Modifying products
As a general rule, changes in products don’t affect existing subscriptions.
However, there are several exceptions.
Adding and removing endpoints
When you add a new endpoint to the product or remove an existing one, the following rules apply:
If an endpoint is added to a product, it appears in existing subscriptions to that product too.
If this endpoint is then deleted, it gets deleted from the existing subscriptions too.
Endpoints added to a product before a subscription is created remain part of the subscription even if the endpoint is later deleted from the product.
If a new endpoint is added to a billable metric, it is also added to the same billable metric in subscriptions.
If an existing endpoint is removed from a billable metric, it doesn’t get removed from the same billable metric in subscriptions.
Adding and removing billable metrics
If you add new billable metrics/rate limits to the product, they don’t appear in the existing subscriptions.
If you delete a billable metric from the product, it doesn’t get deleted from existing subscriptions.
Subscription upgrades/downgrades
Whenever you modify the Allow switching to following products config of a product, it has effect on existing subscriptions.