
You can use free-form CSS to completely change the look of your user portal. Navigate to the Settings page of your user portal

To override CSS variables, use :root pseudo-element.

:root {
    --body-background-color: #999999;

See the full list of supported CSS variables below.

Be aware that the user portal CSS overrides checkout page themes.

«Subscribe» button

This is the subscription card on the checkout page. Read below about customizing its text.

Change button text for all checkout pages

In order to change the text on the «Subscribe» button, add the following CSS snippet to your custom CSS.

.checkout-public .subscribe-button span {
    display: none;

.checkout-public .subscribe-button::after {
    content: 'Purchase';

Replace the content property with your custom text.

Change button text for certain pages

Each checkout link has a hash, you can find it in the URL:

Nadles adds a CSS class checkout-link-<hash> to each checkout page.

In order to change the button text for a certain checkout page, use the following CSS:

.checkout-public.checkout-link-<hash> .subscribe-button span {
    display: none;

.checkout-public.checkout-link-<hash> .subscribe-button::after {
    content: 'Buy credits';

Replace <hash> with the hash of the checkout page.

Change card title

In order to change the card title (“Subscribe” by default), add the following CSS snippet to your custom CSS.

.checkout-public .subscribe-card .card-title span {
    display: none;

.checkout-public .subscribe-card .card-title::after {
    content: 'Purchase';

Replace the content property with your custom text.

Example CSS

Demo portal theme

The following CSS was used to style the demo user portal. Try applying it to your user portal to see how it works.


The simplest way to change the look of your user portal is to change values of these variables.

NameDescriptionDefault value
—primary-color-rgbRGB code for primary color.100 67 118
—primary-colorrgb(var(—primary-color-rgb) / 1)
—primary-color-hover-rgbRGB code for primary color, hover.176 120 206
—secondary-color-rgbRGB code for secondary color.120 131 147
—secondary-colorrgb(var(—secondary-color-rgb) / 1)
—dark-color-rgbRGB code for dark color.32 47 63
—dark-colorrgb(var(—dark-color-rgb) / 1)
—danger-color-rgbRGB code for danger color.255 62 29
—danger-colorrgb(var(—danger-color-rgb) / 1)
—danger-color-hoverRGB code for danger color, hover.#e6381a
—body-background-colorBody background color, see also: —card-background-color.var(—bs-body-bg)
—body-colorBody text color, see also: —card-color.var(—bs-body-color)
—link-colorDefault link color.var(—primary-color)
—link-color-hoverDefault link color, hover.var(—primary-color-hover)
—heading-colorDefault color for headers (h1, h2, …).var(—body-color)
—card-background-colorBackground color for cards.#ffffff
—card-colorText color for cards.var(—body-color)
—card-emphasis-colorPricing summary on the pricing card on subscription page.#000000
—card-margin0 0 1rem 0
—card-box-shadowBox shadow parameter for cards.0 2px 6px 0 rgba(67, 89, 113, 0.12)
—card-border-radiusBorder radius for cards.0.5rem
—card-header-border-bottomThe border under card headers.1px solid #f1f1f1
—card-header-margin0 0 1.5rem 0
—card-title-colorText color of card titles/headers.#566a7f
—menu-background-colorBackground color for the menu.var(—card-background-color)
—menu-colorMenu text color.var(—card-color)
—menu-app-brand-logo-urlURL for the brand logo. Nadles logo by default.url(‘/assets/images/logo_noemboss.svg’)
—menu-app-brand-name-contentText after the logo. API provider name by default.attr(data-provider-name)
—menu-app-brand-link-colorLogo link text color, when the logo is clickable.rgb(63, 57, 90)
—menu-app-brand-link-color-hoverLogo link text color, when the logo is clickable, hover.var(—menu-app-brand-link-color)
—menu-header-colorText color of menu header — customer name right under the logo in the menu.#a1acb8
—menu-item-colorText color of inactive non-link menu item.var(—card-color)
—menu-item-color-hoverText color of inactive non-link menu item, hover.var(—card-color)
—menu-item-background-colorBackground color of <li> element in the menu.var(—card-background-color)
—menu-item-background-color-hoverBackground color of <li> element in the menu, hover.var(—card-background-color)
—menu-item-link-colorText color of links in menu items.var(—menu-item-color)
—menu-item-link-color-hoverText color of links in menu items, hover.var(—menu-item-color-hover)
—menu-item-link-background-colorBackground color of links in menu items.var(—menu-item-background-color)
—menu-item-link-background-color-hoverBackground color of links in menu items, hover.rgba(67, 89, 113, 0.04)
—menu-item-active-colorText color in active menu items, non-link.var(—link-color)
—menu-item-active-color-hoverText color in active menu items, non-link, hover.var(—link-color-hover)
—menu-item-active-background-colorBackground color of active <li> element in the menu.var(—card-background-color)
—menu-item-active-background-color-hoverBackground color of active <li> element in the menu, hover.var(—card-background-color)
—menu-item-active-link-colorText color of links in active menu items.var(—menu-item-active-color)
—menu-item-active-link-color-hoverText color of links in active menu items, hover.var(—menu-item-active-color-hover)
—menu-item-active-link-background-colorBackground color of links in active menu items.rgba(105, 108, 255, 0.16)
—menu-item-active-link-background-color-hoverBackground color of links in active menu items, hover.rgba(105, 108, 255, 0.16)
—menu-item-icon-colorMenu icons text color.var(—link-color)
—menu-item-icon-color-hoverMenu icons text color, hover.var(—link-color-hover)
—menu-item-active-icon-colorMenu icons text color in active menu items.var(—link-color)
—menu-item-active-icon-color-hoverMenu icons text color in active menu items, hover.var(—link-color-hover)
—menu-item-bullet-colorMenu bullet color in active menu items.var(—primary-color)
—menu-item-bullet-color-hoverMenu bullet color in active menu items, hover.var(—primary-color)
—navbar-background-colorTop navbar background color.var(—card-background-color)
—navbar-link-colorTop navbar link text color.var(—card-color)
—navbar-link-color-hoverTop navbar link text color, hover.var(—card-color)
—navbar-box-shadowTop navbar box shadow.var(—card-box-shadow)
—navbar-dropdown-menu-box-shadowTop navbar dropdown menu box shadow.0 0.25rem 1rem rgba(161, 172, 184, 0.45)
—navbar-border-radiusTop navbar border radius.var(—card-border-radius)
—table-header-colorTable headers text color.var(—card-title-color)
—table-header-border-bottomTable headers bottom border.1px solid #d9dee3
—table-row-borderTable row bottom border.1px solid #f1f1f166
—row-background-color-hoverTable row background color, hover.rgba(67, 89, 113, 0.06)
—row-color-hoverTable row text color, hover.var(—body-color)
—transaction-history-posting-positiveText color for transaction history positive items (e.g., + $100)rgba(var(—bs-success-rgb), 1)
—transaction-history-posting-negativeText color for transaction history negative items (e.g., - $50)rgba(var(—bs-warning-rgb), 1)
—button-color-defaultButton text color default.#ffffff
—input-colorInput text color.var(—card-color)
—input-background-colorInput background color.var(—card-background-color)
—input-border-colorInput border color.#d9dee3
—input-border-color-focusInput border color when focused.var(—primary-color)
—input-group-button-colorButtons in input groups text color, e.g., API access URL on checkout pages.var(—input-color)
—input-group-button-background-colorButtons in input groups background color for, e.g., API access URL on checkout pages.var(—input-background-color)
—product-name-colorProduct name text color.var(—card-title-color)
—api-header-colorAPI header text color.var(—card-title-color)
—api-icon-colorAPI header icon color.var(—api-header-color)
—modal-content-background-colorModal windows background color.var(—card-background-color)
—login-form-bullets-backgroundBullets behind the login/registration/password reset forms.
—text-muted-colorMuted text color.#a1acb8;